Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bath Time: A monthly tradition (sort of)

"I get a little nervous when Curt picks me up and puts me in that tub.  I really like to get wet when it's convenient for me, otherwise, you can keep your baths!" - Maggie
"I hate being clean!  I know that I look beautiful all of the time even when I'm filthy.  So what good is a bath for anyway?" - Jada
"I was just minding my own business, just being very excited to finally be inside the house that I was tricked into going in the bathroom.  It was at that point that I started to catch on as to what was happening.  Thank goodness it's over!" - Duke

**Editor's note: Curtis here. Bath time with the dogs is always a great time.  We have so much fun, even when the dogs act like it's worse than torture.  Thanks for looking.


Staci said...


Randi Jo said...

Your dogs are cute. I wish I had the could wash Tango. It is just so much easier to pay someone to do it.