Hi, it's Rolle. I wanted to tell you all the story of how I got my name. To look at me now, I'm not very Rolle, just a solid lump of fun and licking. This is my mom Jada. Isn't she pretty? Jada had me and my brothers and sisters on The Chinese New Year and it was, of course, The Year of The Dog.

I came out first and, as you can see, was the only fawn boxer. Right away I knew where the good stuff was. I headed straight to the nipple. I muscled my way to the front of the pack to the prime nip and that is where I camped out for the next 6 weeks. If someone else was on my nip I pushed them aside.
This is me with two of my siblings. We were only a few hours old.
I liked mom right away, we had a special bond. I think I was her favorite, but don't tell the others.
After another tasty milk meal I decided to take a little nap.
I made sure not to wander too far away, well for one thing I couldn't see yet and I didn't want to miss any meals or snack times. This is my sister Layla. I think she was trying to get into prime position to get the best spot, but since she was the runt of our litter, I prevailed.
This is me and Franky after our eyes were open and our tails had been cut. (That was a horrible experience, but at least our tails didn't look like rat tails anymore.) Look at my little fat rolls on my arm.
This is all of us posing for few pictures Curt and Meg were taking.
We were old enough to start eating real dog food and it was so delicious, I couldn't get enough.
There were just too many other heads and mouths in this bowl so I decided to find another bowl with a little less competition.
I found a bowl with only one other mouth in it. Duke's bowl. He was nice to share with me.
After Duke's bowl was finished I was still hungry so I went to share with mom.
After all that eating I was pretty tired. I found a nice little place under a chair to take a nap.
So I kept eating and eating and eating. I grew nice and big.

I think I cried a little. That was wonderful, I can't believe how long its been since they all arrived. Rolle sure grew into his rolls but his legs are another matter. Do you ever see any of the other puppies? This is my favorite blog.
love love love.
I know i'm slow on the dog blog commenting, but this is the cutest little post ever!!!! What we need is the story of Maggie.
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