Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Guess Sharing Is OK

So hi, this is Duke. So usually me and Jada have a race down the stairs to see who gets to the bed first. I usually win by knocking Meg down the stairs and out of the way, but we decided to share it this time. I think next time I won't share though, I'll just be there first. Yeah, that's good.


Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Best Time of Year!

"The moment that Curt brought home sacks of stuff from Petsmart yesterday,  I knew that Christmas was just a day away.  I am naturally curious and I couldn't help myself.  I had to find out what I was getting in my stocking.  I could smell the rawhide candy cane.  Curt and Meg don't try very hard to hide it from my nose... Anyway, I got a rawhide candy cane in my stocking (which I figured out beforehand) and a water Kong toy (which doesn't really interest me now but I can't wait to play with it at Bear Lake and Redfish Lake in the summer).  I love, love, love rawhide treats.  I got a really big one and Maggie got a smaller one but one of my rules is if you don't finish it right away then it's up for grabs."  


"When it gets cold outsyd then I know that Cristmas is coming soon.  About a week ago, me and Jada got into so much truble that I thought that I wusn't going to get anything for Cristmas but santa must not have been looking.  Cristmas is the best time of year when Kurtis and Meg are home so i can be insyd.  i love all the things about this tyme of year but being outsyd in the cold.  I got a fun thing for Cristmas. it is a frisby that i love to chew on.  maggie helped me chew it too.  i love frisbys. there the best!"


"It's obvious that I'm their favorite.  I love to be inside and sit on the back of the couch so I can see out the window the second they get home.  I love Christmas time.  It is the best time of year.  I always know that Santa won't disappoint.  I got a rawhide candy cane which I love to chew on until it's gone.  It was pretty big for my size.  Jada thought that I was done with mine so she took it but I was just taking a break.  So when I was ready to startup again I just started on hers.  Her rawhide was even bigger than mine.  It was a challenge to carry it around in my mouth but I managed.  I also got a soft plush animal.  It's a hedgehog.  His name is Sonic.  I thought that he was going to squeak like a regular toy but instead he let out this awful honking noise.  It scared me at first but then Meg played with me and I got used to the sound.  Now I think that it's so cute.  Now, enough about Christmas.  I heard a rumor going around that Paul is coming over for New Year's.  I really hope it's true!  I love it when he comes over and visits me!  He is one of my very best friends ever!  I love him so much!!"

Maggie ;)

(Here's a little video of our Christmas Eve activities.)